Sažetak | Iako se jako puno autora bavilo, bavi se i bavit će se pojmom darovitosti, i dalje je riječ o širokom i nejasno definiranom pojmu u odgoju i obrazovanju. Teorije o darovitosti i definicije iste sežu daleko na početak dvadesetog stoljeća, a među teoretičarima i istraživačima darovitosti ističu se L. Terman, J. P. Guilford, A. J. Tannenbaum, J. S. Renzulli, H. Gardner, R. Sternberg i mnogi drugi. Ono oko čega se svi slažu jest da su darovita djeca drugačija, a odlikuje ih volja, strast i predanost onomu što rade. To izaziva poštovanje okoline, ali s druge strane i strah, osjećaj bespomoćnosti i neuspjeha kod onih koji s tom djecom rade, poput odgojitelja u dječjim vrtićima, zbog manjka educiranosti o tome kako se adekvatno posvetiti i dati podršku darovitoj djeci. Uloga cjelokupnog sustava odgoja i obrazovanja je sudjelovati u pravovremenoj identifikaciji potencijalno darovite djece, a posebice u najranijoj, vrtićkoj dobi. Teorija je jasna, praksa je malo teža. Vrlo često se nailazi na prepreke i probleme kada je u pitanju usavršavanje stručnog osoblja. U ovom radu, uz teorijski pregled teme, analizirat će se što o darovitosti govore nacionalni dokumenti - Nacionalni kurikulum za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje te Okvir za poticanje iskustava učenja i vrednovanje postignuća darovite djece i učenika, dati primjer iz prakse i prijedlozi kako teoriju više uvrstiti u praksu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Although many authors have dealt with, are dealing with, and will deal with the term giftedness, it is still a broad and vague term in education. Theories about giftedness and its definition reach far back to the beginning of the 20th century. Among the theorists and researchers of giftedness, L. Terman, J.P. Guilford, A.J. Tannenbaum, J.S.Renzulli, H. Gardner, R.Sternberg, and many others stand out. What everyone agrees on is the fact that gifted children are different, they are distinguished by their will, passion, and dedication to what they do. That inspires respect from people around them, but also fear, the feeling of helplessness and failure in those who work with these children, like teachers in kindergartens, because of the lack of education about how to adequately support those children. The role of the entire education system is to participate in the timely identification of potentially gifted children, especially at the earliest, kindergarten age. The theory is clear, but the practice is a little more complicated. When it comes to professional training of educators, there are often obstacles and problems. In this paper, along with a theoretical overview of the topic, the position of giftedness in national documents - the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education and the Framework for Encouraging Learning Experiences and Evaluating the Achievements of Gifted Children and Students - will beanalyzed, an example from practice will be given as well as suggestions on how to include theory more into practice. KEYWORDS: education, giftedness, identification, recognition, training. |