Sažetak | Ovaj rad bavi se marketing strategijama na primjeru poduzeća Vinkoprom. U teorijskom dijelu utvrđena je složenost i važnost procesa oblikovanja strategija marketinga. Taj se proces sastoji od različitih faza koje su međusobno povezane te kvaliteta jedne faze uvelike determinira kvalitetu drugih faza. Pri oblikovanju marketinške strategije prvotno je potrebno provesti analizu unutarnjih i vanjskih čimbenika koji utječu na poduzeće i marketinške napore poduzeća. Nakon toga, menadžment poduzeća može se poslužiti benchmarkingom, odnosno uvidom i razumijevanjem najboljih poslovnih praksi poznatih organizacija. Na taj način spoznaje do kojih se dođe mogu se primijeniti u vlastitoj strategiji. U oblikovanju strategije vrlo se često koristi i SWOT analiza, koja identificira snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje poduzeća. Temeljem svih tih koraka potrebno je odabrati strategiju marketinga, koja mora biti usklađena s ciljevima, ciljnim tržištima, misijom poduzeća, i dr. Potrebno je oblikovati i marketinški miks, odnosno njegove elemente: proizvod, cijena, distribucija i promocija. Iako u praksi postoje različite marketing strategije, sve se one na strateškoj razini mogu svesti na strategiju troškovnog vodstva, strategiju diferencijacije ili strategiju fokusiranja. Ove strategije često se i kombiniraju, što je potvrđeno i na primjeru poduzeća Vinkoprom koje koristi kombinaciju troškovnog vodstva i diferencijacije. Početkom 2015. godine poduzeće je donijelo novi strateški plan u sklopu kojega su izvršene različite analize te je provedeno strateško planiranje; između ostaloga oblikovane su i marketinške strategije. S obzirom na kontinuirani rast i razvoj poduzeća, kako po pitanju prihoda i dobiti, tako i po pitanju broja poslovnica i broja zaposlenika, zaključeno je kako poduzeće koristi adekvatne strategije marketinga. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper deals with marketing strategies on the example of Vinkoprom. In the theoretical part, the complexity and importance of the process of shaping marketing strategies was determined. This process consists of different phases that are interconnected, and the quality of one phase largely determines the quality of other phases. When formulating a marketing strategy, it is initially necessary to conduct an analysis of internal and external factors that affect the company and the company's marketing efforts. After that, company management can use benchmarking, that is, insight and understanding of the best business practices of well-known organizations. In this way, the gained insights can be applied in one's own strategy. SWOT analysis, which identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, is often used in strategy formulation. Based on all these steps, it is necessary to choose a marketing strategy, which must be aligned with the goals, target markets, company mission, etc. It is also necessary to shape the marketing mix, i.e. its elements: product, price, distribution and promotion. Although in practice there are different marketing strategies, all of them at the strategic level can be reduced to cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy or focusing strategy. These strategies are often combined, which is confirmed by the example of Vinkoprom, which uses a combination of cost leadership and differentiation. At the beginning of 2015, the company adopted a new strategic plan, as part of which various analyzes were performed and strategic planning was carried out; among other things, marketing strategies were formed. Considering the continuous growth and development of the company, both in terms of income and profit, as well as in terms of the number of branches and the number of employees, it was concluded that the company uses adequate marketing strategies. |