Sažetak | Obrt definiramo kao trajno obavljanje gospodarskih djelatnosti od strane fizičkih osoba sa ciljem ostvarivanja dobiti koja se realizira proizvodnjom, prometom ili pružanjem usluga na tržištu. Obrtnik je svaka fizička osoba koja u svoje ime obavlja jednu ili više djelatnosti, a pri tome može koristiti i tuđi rad. S obzirom na vrstu, obrt može biti slobodni, vezani i povlašteni. Kod obavljanja slobodnog obrta nije potreban ispit o stručnoj osposobljenosti ili majstorski ispit; za obavljanje vezanog obrta traži se ispit o stručnoj osposobljenosti ili majstorski ispit, te za obavljanje povlaštenog obrta obrtniku je potrebna povlastica koju izdaje nadležno tijelo.Prije svakog otvaranja obrta, obrtnik mora odabrati ime svog obrta, djelatnost kojom će se baviti i samo sjedište obrta. Nakon što je to odlučio, obrtnik se prijavljuje u Obrtni registar. Izrađuje pečat za čiju izradu je potrebna kopija Rješenja o upisu obrta u Obrtni registar. Nakon što je obrtnik izradio pečat, sljedeći korak je otvaranje žiro računa u banci, a za to su mu potrebni osobna iskaznica, rješenje o upisu obrta u Obrtni registar, obrtnica i pečat. Obrt se zatim prijavljuje u sustav mirovinskog i zdravstvenog osiguranja. Obrtnik obrt mora prijaviti Poreznoj upravi u vremenskom periodu osam dana od dana početka obavljanja djelatnosti. Uvjeti za obavljanje djelatnosti obrta podijeljeni su u dvije skupine; opći uvjeti i posebni uvjeti za obavljanje obrta. Dva opća uvjeta koje mora ispunjavati svaki obrtnik su nepostojanje zabrane obavljanja djelatnosti i pravo korištenja prostorom. Posebni uvjeti su odgovarajuća stručna sprema, zdravstvena sposobnost i povlastica u slučaju obavljanja povlaštenih obrta. Postoje 4 posebne mogućnosti obavljanja obrta, a to su pomaganje članova kućanstva, sezonsko obavljanje obrta, zajednički obrt i obrt kao druga djelatnost. Obrazovanje za stjecanje srednje stručne spreme za obrtnička zanimanja izvodi se prema programu sastavljenom u dva dijela; općeobrazovni dio i naukovanje. Naučnički ispit kao sastavni dio obrane završnog rada uključuje izvedbu složenijeg zadatka kojim naučnik pokazuje naučene vještine i razinu samostalnosti i odgovornosti koju he stekao. Nakon položenog ispita i dvije godine radnog iskustva, naučnik ima pravo polagati majstorski ispit. Majstorski ispit je najviši stupanja obrazovanja u obrtničkim zanimanjima. Majstorski ispit je uvjet za otvaranje obrta. Frizerski salon Fancy nalazi se u Novoj Gradišci i poznat je stanovnicima tog skromnog grada već punih 15 godina. Vlasnica salona, gospođa Marija, od malih nogu je znala točno što želi biti, i ta želja ne jenjava ni dan danas. Marija je 2007. godine otvorila vrata svog salona i tada je imala 2 zaposlenice i prostor u kojemu je radila bio je u najmu. Nakon osam godina, Marija je kupnjom novog prostora izašla iz najma i otvorila se prilika za još radnih mjesta te je zaposlila još dva frizera. 2019. godine dokupila je prostor pored tadašnjeg salona u želji da se proširi. Tada je preuredila cijeli salon i sada u salonu ima 6 zaposlenih te dvije naučnice kojima prenosi svoje znanje i stečeno iskustvo. Njezina najveća želja je da njezin salon postane akademija i da svoje znanje prenosi drugima i tako podigne struku na viši nivo. Kao ključ uspjeha navodi stalni napredak i kao jako bitnu stavku, izbor dobrog partnera, što je u njezinom slučaju Keune Haircosmetics. Obrt može prestati s djelovanjem odjavom ili posili zakona. Postupak odjave obrta iz Obrtnog registra provodi se u nadležnom uredu, a od 1. rujna 2021. godine zatvaranje obrta je potpuno besplatno. Datum odjave obrta jednak je datumu podnošenja zahtjeva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | We define a trade as an permanent performance of permitted economic activities by natural persons with the aim of achieving a profit generated by production, trade or peovision of services on the market. A craftsman is any natural person who performs one or more activities on his own behalf, and may also use someone else's work. Depending on the type, trades can be free, tied and privileged. No professional qualification exam or master's exam is required, and for performing a privileged trade, a craftsman needs a privilege issued by the competent body. Before each opening of trade, the craftsman must choose the nameo f his trade, the activity he will be engaged in and the seat of the trade itself. After deciding to do so, the tradesman registers with the Trades Register. Makes a stamp for the production of which a copy of the Decision on entry of trades in the Trades Register is required. After the craftsman has made the stamp, the next step is to open a giro account in the bank, and for that he needs an ID card, a decision on entering the trade in the Trades Register, a trade certificate and a stamp. The craft is then registered in the pension and health insurance system. Within eight days from the day of commencement of the trade. The craftsman must report the trade to the Tax Administartion. Conditions for performing craft activities are divided into two groups; general conditions and special conditions for performing trades. Two general conditions thar every craftsman must meet are the non-existence of a ban on performing activities and the right to use the space. Special conditions are appropriate education, medical fitness and benefit sin the case of privileged trades. There are 4 special opportunities to perform crafts, and these are helping household members, seasonal crafts, joint crafts and crafts as other activities. Education for the acquisition of secondary education for trades and crafts is carried out according to a program composed of two parts; general education and apprenticeship. The scientific exam as an integral parto f the defense of the final thesis includes the performance of a more complex task by which the scientist demonsrates the learned skills and the level of independence and responsibility he has acquired. After passing the exam and two years of work experience, the scientist has right to take the master's exam. The master's exam is the highest level of education in crafts. The master's exam is a condition for opening a business. Fancy hair salon is located in Nova Gradiška and has been known to the residents of this humble town for 15 years. The owner of the salon, Mrs. Marija, knew from an early age exactly what she wanted to be, and that desire has not abated to this day. Marija opened the doors of her salon in 2007 and then had 2 employees and the space where she worked was rented. After eight years, Marija bought the new space out of the lease and the opportunity for more jobs opened up and she hired two more hairdressers. In 2019, she bought more space next to the salon in the desire to expand. Then she remodeled the entire salon and now the salon has 6 employees and two scientists to whom she passes on her knowledge and experience. Her greatest wish is for her salon to become an academy and to pass on her knowledge to others and thus raise the profession to a higher level. As a key to success, she cites constant progress and as a very important item, choosing a good partner, which in her case is Keune Haircosmetics. The trade may cease to operate by deregistration or by force of law. The procedure of deregistration of trades from the Trades Register is carried out in the competent office, and from 1 September 2021, the closure of trades is completely free. The date of deregistration of the trade is the same as the date of submission of the request. |