Abstract | Tjelesna aktivnost kod djece predškolskog uzrasta pridonosi razvoju motorike te je važno znati odabrati pravu vježbu, koja je u skladu s djetetovim mogućnostima i sposobnostima. Prilikom izvođenja pojedinih zadataka djeci s posebnim potrebama vrlo je važno posvetiti puno truda i pažnje te pomno isplanirati na koji način ćemo ih uključiti u grupni rad. Nažalost djeca s posebnim potrebama dosta vremena provedu u zdravstvenim ustanovama gdje su u kontaktu sa stručnim osobljem, odraslima, a ne pruža im se toliko prilika za vrijeme sa svojim vršnjacima. Potrebno je maksimalno uključiti ovakvu djecu u rad kako bi im se jačalo samopouzdanje i motivacija. Uključivanjem djece s teškoćama u koncept tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture isto tako potiče djecu na tjelesni rad i aktivnost.
Ovaj završni rad bavi se tematikom rada s djecom s posebnim potrebama na satu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. U radu će biti prikazani razni pojmovi vezani uz vrste teškoća u razvoju. Objasniti će se inkluzija i inkluzivno obrazovanje, a nakon toga i sama uloga tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja.
Najistaknutiji dio rada prikazuje organizacijske oblike rada, metode rada i prilagodbu tjelesnih aktivnosti djeci s posebnim potrebama, te se navodi nekoliko različitih aktivnosti za djecu. Nadalje, objasniti i navesti će se i kineziološka pomagala. U radu s djecom koja zahtijevaju posebne programe, odgojiteljima i stručnom osoblju, olakšavaju upravo ta kineziološka pomagala. Podrška odgajatelja, odraslih pa i vršnjaka, djeci je bitna jer ih motivira za uspješniji razvoj i napredovanje. Kako bi se djeca što bolje razvijala, kako bi im omogućili osjećaj pripadnosti i osigurali zadovoljenje svih potreba, pa tako i tjelesnih, potrebno je osigurati kontinuiranu edukaciju te isto tako stvoriti kvalitetnu, obostranu suradnju odgojitelja, roditelja, djece i suradnika. |
Abstract (english) | Physical activity in preschool children contributes to the development of motor skills and it is important to know how to choose the right exercise, which is in accordance with the child's abilities and abilities. When performing certain tasks, it is very important to devote a lot of effort to children with special needs and carefully plan carefully how we will include them in group work. Unfortunately, children with special needs spend a lot of time in health facilities, where they are in contact with professional staff, adults, and they are not given as many opportunities to spend time with their peers. It is necessary to include such children in the work as much as possible, in order to strengthen their self-confidence and motivation. By including children with disabilities, in the concept of physical and health culture, it also encourages children to physical work and activity.
This final paper deals with the topic of working with children with special needs in the physical education class. The paper will present different concepts related to the types of developmental difficulties. Inclusion and inclusive education will be explained, followed by the role of physical and health education.
The most prominent part of the paper presents organizational forms of work, methods of work and adaptation of physical activities to children with special needs, and lists several different activities for children. Furthermore, aids will be explained and researched. In working with children who require special programs, educators and professional personality, it is precisely these aids that facilitate. The support of educators, adults and even peers of children is important because it motivates them for successful development and progress. In order for children to develop better, to provide them with a sense of belonging and ensure that all needs are met, including physical, it is necessary to ensure continuous education and also create quality, mutual cooperation of educators, parents, children and associates. |