Author Vlatka Mihaljević
Mentor Ivona Blažević (mentor)
Committee member Mirko Cobović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivona Blažević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Katolik Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2021-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U radu se pristupilo analiziranju hrvatskog carinskog sustava. Za sve zemlje, pa tako i Republiku Hrvatsku jako je važno poticati izvoz robe. Izvozom se stvaraju razne koristi, primjerice raste potreba za otvaranjem radnih mjesta, mogućnost rasta državnih rezervi, rast konkurentnosti države. Valja istaknuti kako je Republika Hrvatska u prošloj, 2020. godini ostvarila 112 milijardi kuna što se tiče ukupnog izvoza.
Carine podrazumijevaju vrstu neizravnog poreza na robu za koju je karakteristično da prelazi carinsku granicu. Svrha instituta carinskog sustava jest da se omogući funkcioniranje carinskog sustava koje je efikasno. Instituti carinskoga sustava su prije svega carinsko područje, carinska roba, carinski nadzor, te carinski obveznik. Carinsko područje predstavlja mjesto gdje se primjenjuju razni propisi određene države, prije svega carinski propisi. Carinska roba je sva ona roba za koju je karakteristično da se unosi u carinsko područje. Carinski nadzor su sve one mjere čiji je cilj zaustavljanje neovlaštenog postupanja sa carinskom robom. Carinski obveznik predstavlja osobu osoba koja mora platiti carinu, te sve ostale carinske troškove.
Carina se može promatrati prema smjeru kretanja robe, svrsi, subjektu odlučivanja, stupnju beneficije, efektima carinske zaštite, te uravnoteženju domaćih inozemnih cijena. U radu je analizirana cjelokupna dokumentacija vezana uz uvoz, izvoz, te provoz robe.
Abstract (english) The paper analyzes the Croatian customs system. It is very important for all countries, including the Republic of Croatia, to encourage the export of goods. Exports create various benefits, such as the growing need for job creation, the possibility of increasing state reserves, increasing the competitiveness of countries. It should be noted that in the last year, in 2020, the Republic of Croatia achieved 112 billion kuna interms of total exports.
Customs duty means a type of indirect tax on goods that is characterized by crossing the customs border. The purpose of the customs system institute is to enable the functioning of the customs system in an efficient manner. The institutes of the customs system are primarily the customs area, customs goods, customs supervision, and the customs payer. A customs area is a place where various regulations of a certain country are applied, primarily customs regulations. Customs goods are all those goods that are characteristic of being brought into the customs territory. Customs supervision are all those measures aimed at stopping the unauthorized handling of customs goods. A customs payer is a person who has to pay customs duties and all other customs costs.
Customs can be observed according to the direction of movement of goods, purpose, subject of decision-making, degree of benefit, effects of customs protection, and balancing of domestic foreign prices. The paper analyzes the entire documentation related to the import, export, and transit of goods.
carinski sustav
instituti carinskoga sustava
Keywords (english)
customs system
institutes of the customs system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:651133
Study programme Title: Professional study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-09-14 10:07:06