Abstract | Redovna i pravilna tjelesna aktivnost u najranijoj dobi reflektira na zdravstveno stanje djece i pravilan rast i razvoj, radi nužnosti tjelesnog vježbanja i kreiranja zdravih rutina, vježbanje bi trebalo postati dio svakodnevnog odrastanja djeteta. Djeci koja ne provode svoje vrijeme vani, i ne provode dovoljno vremena u slobodnim igrama u kojima je uključeno kretanje, je od najranije dobi ugroženo zdravlje. Redovitim i pravilnim kretanjem i vježbanjem djeci se omogućuje niz dobrobit kao što su normalan psihomotorički razvoj, zadovoljavanje potrebe za kretanjem i igrom te potencijalna prevencija različitih kroničnih bolesti, osobito pretilosti. Vježba i zdrava prehrana djeci omogućuju brže i lakše učenje, a njihov organizam osim vježbanjem, treba jačati i ostalim prirodnim čimbenicima, kao što su: sunce, snijeg kiša, vjetar, te čist zrak. Tjelovježba u vrtiću se provodi u jutarnje sate, mikropredah, sate tjelesno zdravstvene kulture, boravak na otvorenom i šetnje. Svaku tjelesna aktivnost koju želimo provoditi s djecom mlade životne dobi mora biti prilagođena djetetovim sposobnostima, potrebama i mogućnostima. U odrasloj dobi je teško nadoknaditi naviku tjelesnog vježbanja stoga je vrlo važno stvoriti ju u najranijoj dobi. Da bi dijete mlade dobi imalo uravnotežen psihološki i fizički rast i razvoj mora mu se ispuniti osnovne čovjekove potrebe. Tjelesna aktivnost se nalazi među najvažnijim od tih potreba. Dijete kroz pokret upoznaje svoje okruženje i prostor, a ponajprije dolazi do spoznanja o sebi samome. Tjelesna aktivnost također spada u opći odgoj djeteta. U ranim godinama razvija se koštano-vezivni i živčano-mišićni sustav djeteta zato je potrebno dijete usredotočiti prema raznim oblicima tjelesne aktivnosti koje kasnije doprinose cjelovitom rastu i razvoju djeteta. Djeca mlade dobi kroz razne oblike gibanja, šetanja, skakutanja, uspinjanja i slično tijekom dana sudjeluju u svakidašnjim tjelesnim aktivnostima, igrom stječu nova motorička znanja, pokrete i raznorazna gibanja. Izuzetno je važno djeci stvoriti prostor za vježbanje i igru. Jednako tome, važno je da u djeci stvorimo korektan odnos prema fizičkoj aktivnosti, vježbanju i športu te da isto promičemo kako bi dijete ostvarilo racionalne i preporučljive rutine koje će ga pratiti tijekom života. |
Abstract (english) | Regular and proper physical activity at an early age reflects on the health of children and proper growth and development, due to the necessity of physical exercise and creating healthy routines, exercise should become part of the child's daily growth. A child who does not spend his time outside, does not spend enough time in free games that involve movement, from an early age the child is endangered health. Regular and proper movement and exercise provide children with a number of benefits such as normal psychomotor development, meeting the need for movement and play, and the potential prevention of various chronic diseases, especially obesity. Exercise allows children to learn faster and easier, and their body, in addition to exercise, should be strengthened by other natural factors, such as: sun, snow, rain, wind, and clean air. Exercise in the kindergarten is carried out in the morning, micro-breaks, physical education classes, staying outdoors and walking. Any physical activity that we want to carry out with young children must be applied in accordance with the child's abilities, needs and capabilities. In adulthood it is difficult to make up for the habit of physical exercise so it is very important to create it at the earliest age. In order for a young child to have balanced psychological and physical growth and development, his basic human needs must be met. Physical activity is among the most important of these needs. Through movement, the child gets to know his environment and space, and first of all he comes to know about himself. Physical activity is also part of a child's general upbringing. In the early years, the child's musculoskeletal and neuromuscular system develops, so it is necessary to focus the child on various forms of physical activity that later contribute to the overall growth and development of the child. Children of young age through various forms of movement, walking, jumping, climbing and the like during the day participate in everyday physical activities, play acquire new movements, movements and various movements. It is extremely important to create a territory for children to move and play. Equally, it is important to create a correct attitude in children towards physical activity, exercise and sports, and to promote the same in order for the child to achieve rational and recommended routines that will accompany him throughout life. |