Title Primjena blokchain tehnologije za decentraliziranu razmjenu električne energije (OIE - vodik)
Title (english) Application of blockchain technology for decentralized exchange of electricity (RES - hydrogen)
Author Kristijan Ćurić
Mentor Marinko Stojkov (mentor)
Committee member Marija Živić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Stojkov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Holik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U današnjem vremenu život bez električne energije i energenata je za čovjeka nezamisliv, dok se istovremeno korištenjem istih utječe na okoliš. Zbog povećane digitalizacije i pojave korištenja umjetne inteligencije za očekivati je povećanu potražnju za električnom energijom. Svjedoci smo gašenja nuklearnih elektrana što ostavlja prostora za korištenje starih tehnologija za proizvodnju električne energije koji doprinose onečišćenju okoliša ili korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije. Globalni cilj je zasigurno osvrnuti se na obnovljive izvore energije i to u velikoj mjeri na solarnu energiju s obzirom na dostupnost i jednostavnost u proizvodnji električne energije za svakog pojedinca. Ideja ovoga rada je korištenje solarne energije u hibridnom sustavu koji uključuje vodik i analiza ideje o korištenju inovativnih tehnologija u elektroenergetskim sustavima. Modeliranje hibridnog fotonaponskog sustava uključuje korištenje fotonaponskih modula, te korištenje baterije za kratkoročnu pohranu i vodika za dugoročnu. S obzirom na opasnost pohrane vodika u domaćinstvima (visoka zapaljivost i eksplozivnost), ideja je usmjerena na korištenje baterije u domaćinstvu, dok višak električne energije se predaje distributeri koji proizvodi, skladišti i koristi pohranjeni vodik za proizvodnju električne energije u trenutcima kada je potrebno. Vodik je „zeleni“ energent, no i dalje u određenoj mjeri pokazuje neisplativost. U budućnosti se može očekivati povećanje isplativosti korištenja s pojeftinjenjem komponenti sustava, te uvođenjem naknada zbog proizvodnje štetnih plinova. Smanjenje gubitaka energije i preopterećenosti distributera električne energije, te korištenje tehnologija koji su alat u „zelenom“ gospodarenju i „zelenoj“ proizvodnji jedan je od ciljeva rada. Da bi se postiglo sve navedeno analizirano je korištenje blockchain tehnologije u energetskom sektoru. Izvršena je simulacija decentralizirane razmjene električne energije između pojedinaca elektroenergetskog sustava koji koriste solarnu energiju za proizvodnju. Simulacija je provedena u smislu izrade web aplikacije koja uključuje pametni ugovor, te druge potrebne alate za rad web aplikacije. Izvršena je provjera funkcionalnosti web aplikacije za decentraliziranu razmjenu električne energije uz sva potrebna objašnjenja. Na kraju poglavlja su iznesene dodatne ideje o regulaciji cijene korištenjem Oracle-a, te analiza korištenja blockchain tehnologije u hibridnim fotonaponskim sustavima koji koriste vodik. S obzirom da su sve navedene tehnologije vrlo mlade analizirani su zakoni i regulative vezane za iste. Može se zaključiti da su tehnologije korištene u ovome radu u potpunosti prijateljski nastrojene „zelenoj“ globalnoj politici. Ideja koja je prikazana je kreativna i inovativna, te potencijalno može biti jedno od rješenja budućih globalnih energetskih kriza, a istovremeno ide u korak s trendom napretka tehnologije i zaštite okoliša.
Abstract (english) In today's world, life without electricity and energy sources is unimaginable for humans, while simultaneously, their use impacts the environment. Due to increased digitalization and the emergence of artificial intelligence usage, a rise in demand for electrical energy is to be expected. We are witnessing the shutdown of nuclear power plants, leaving room for the use of old technologies for electricity production, which contribute to environmental pollution, or the use of renewable energy sources. The global goal is certainly to turn to renewable energy sources, with a significant focus on solar energy given its availability and the simplicity of electricity production for every individual. The idea of this paper is the use of solar energy in a hybrid system that includes hydrogen and the analysis of the idea of using innovative technologies in power systems. Modelling a hybrid photovoltaic system involves the use of photovoltaic modules, batteries for short-term storage, and hydrogen for long-term storage. Considering the dangers of storing hydrogen in households (high flammability and explosiveness), the idea is directed towards using batteries in households, while excess electricity is handed over to a distributor who produces, stores, and uses the stored hydrogen to produce electricity when needed. Hydrogen is a "green" energy source, but it still shows some degree of unprofitability. In the future, the profitability of its use can be expected to increase with the reduction in system component costs and the introduction of fees for the production of harmful gases. Reducing energy losses and the overload of electricity distributors and using technologies that are tools in "green" management and "green" production, is one of the goals of this paper. To achieve all of the above, the use of blockchain technology in the energy sector was analyzed. A simulation of decentralized electricity exchange between individuals in the power system who use solar energy for production was carried out. The simulation was conducted in the sense of creating a web application that includes a smart contract and other necessary tools for the web application's operation. The functionality of the web application for decentralized electricity exchange was verified with all necessary explanations provided. At the end of the chapter, additional ideas on price regulation using Oracle and an analysis of blockchain technology usage in hybrid photovoltaic systems that use hydrogen were presented. Considering that all the mentioned technologies are very young, laws and regulations related to them were analyzed. It can be concluded that the technologies used in this paper are entirely friendly towards "green" global policy. The idea presented is creative and innovative, and it potentially could be one of the solutions for future global energy crises while simultaneously keeping pace with the trend of technological advancement and environmental protection
Blockchain tehnologija
električna energija
OIE (Obnovljivi izvori energije)
Keywords (english)
Blockchain Technology
Electric Energy
RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:006203
Study programme Title: Graduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design and Product Development, Manufacturing Logistics, Materials Engineering, Engineering Technologies, Power Engineering Course: Power Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-09-24 10:36:18