Abstract | Približavanjem kraju predškolskog razdoblja kod djece i roditelja javlja se određena doza straha, stresa i nervoze jer će se za nekoliko mjeseci i jedni i drugi naći u novim ulogama. Dijete postaje učenik i upisuje prvi razred osnovne škole. U vremenu testiranja prije upisa u prvi razred kod roditelja je prisutna određena doza stresa jer nisu sigurni hoće li njihovo dijete zadovoljiti kriterije koji su potrebni za upis u osnovnu školu. Svoju nervozu, strah i stres roditelji često prenose i na djecu. U ovom diplomskom radu provedeno je istraživanje kojemu je cilj bio ispitati procjene roditelja o tome kako se polazak njihove djece u prvi razred manifestira na njihovo svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Uzorak je činilo 10 roditelja starije odgojne skupine dječjeg vrtića s kojima su provedeni standardizirani otvoreni intervjui. Rezultati su podijeljeni u deset kodova: spremnost djeteta na školu, roditeljska očekivanja, organiziranost vremena, izvor potpore, izazovi, testiranje u školi, vještine, roditeljske emocije, stresor roditelja i sigurnost djeteta na putu od kuće do škole. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju svjesnost roditelja o važnosti pripreme djece za školu, osobito ističući njihove motoričke vještine i sposobnost učenja. Imaju različita očekivanja od djece te se suočavaju s izazovima organizacije vremena i prilagodbe na nove obveze. Često se oslanjaju na podršku bake i djedova. Iznose svoje emocije, uključujući uzbuđenje, ponos i nervozu uoči djetetovog polaska u školu. Stresore vide u preopterećenosti gradivom, samostalnosti djece te brizi oko sigurnosti na putu do škole. Djeca se pripremaju za školu kroz igru i vježbe te usvajaju osnovne vještine ophođenja i socijalne norme u vrtiću. Testiranje spremnosti za školu predstavlja važan trenutak, a djeca se za njega pripremaju kroz razgovore i rješavanje jednostavnih zadataka. Očekuju se prilagoditi novim obvezama i školskom sustavu, uz podršku roditelja. Na putu od kuće do škole, djeca mogu osjećati zabrinutost zbog sigurnosti, posebno ako je put neuređen ili prometan. |
Abstract (english) | As the end of preschool approaches, children and parents experience a certain amount of fear, stress and nervousness. The child becomes a student, enrolling in the first grade of primary school. In the months when school tests begin before enrollment in the first grade, parents have a certain amount of stress about whether their child will meet the criteria required for enrollment in elementary school. Parents often transfer their nervousness, fear and stress to their children. In this thesis, research was conducted, the goal of which was to interview parents to examine their assessments of how their children's entry into first grade affects their daily functioning. The sample consisted of 10 parents of the older educational group Ribica, Matija Gubec Cernik Kindergarten. The results are divided into ten codes: child's readiness for school, parental expectations, organization of time, source of support, challenges, testing at school, skills, parental emotions, parent's stressor and child's safety on the way from home to school. Parents are aware of the importance of preparing their children for school and assess their readiness, emphasizing motor skills and learning ability. They have different expectations from their children and face the challenges of organizing time and adapting to new obligations. They often rely on the support of their grandparents. They express their emotions, including excitement, pride and nervousness before their child starts school. They see stressors in being overloaded with material, children's independence and concerns about safety on the way to school. Children prepare for school through play and exercises and acquire basic social skills and social norms in kindergarten. Testing readiness for school is an important moment, and children are prepared through conversations and solving simple tasks. They are expected to adapt to new obligations and the school system, with the support of their parents. On the way from home to school, children can feel anxious about safety, especially if the road is uneven or busy. |