Abstract | U radu se u uvodnom dijelu opisuje leksički razvoj djeteta s naglaskom na ulogu roditelja. Rad dokazuje da je utjecaj roditelja najvažniji, a odmah potom i odgojitelji, vršnjaci, mediji imaju velik utjecaj na razvoj leksika djeteta. Upravo o toj poticajnoj okolini ovisi i to kojim tempom će dijete razvijati svoj jezik i govor. Svako dijete prolazi kroz iste faze usvajanja govora, no ne nužno u istom vremenskom periodu upravo zbog poticajne okoline kojom je dijete okruženo. Dijete odmah nakon rođenje počinje komunicirati tako što plače, ispušta različite zvukove, krikove te prolazi kroz cijeli složeni sustav kako bi izgovorilo prve riječi, zatim spojilo više riječi u rečenicu. Na taj način dijete usvaja materinski jezik koji mu je neophodan za komunikaciju, za povezivanje s drugima jer kroz njega izražava sebe te vodi brigu o svojim potrebama. U središnjem dijelu rada opisuju se načini poboljšanja razvoja leksika koji se ostvaruju kroz slikovnice i leksičke igre. Slikovnica dijete odvodi u svijet mašte koja mu omogućava razvoj kreativnosti, korištenje složenijih rečenica kao i stjecanje novih znanja te jačanje samopouzdanja. U radu su dani primjeri igara koje razvijaju, potiču i poboljšavaju leksik djeteta bez opterećenja samog djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | The introductory part of the paper describes the child's lexical development with an emphasis on the role of parents. The paper proves that the influence of parents is the most important, and immediately after that, educators, peers, and the media have a great influence on the development of a child's lexicon. It is precisely on this stimulating environment that the pace at which the child will develop his language and speech depends. Every child goes through the same stages of speech acquisition, but not necessarily in the same period of time precisely because of the stimulating environment in which the child is surrounded. Immediately after birth, the child begins to communicate by crying, making different sounds, screams, and goes through the entire complex system in order to pronounce the first words, then combine several words into a sentence. In this way, the child acquires the mother tongue, which is necessary for him to communicate, to connect with others, because through it he expresses himself and takes care of his needs. In the central part of the paper, the ways of improving the development of the lexicon are described, which are achieved through picture books and lexical games. The picture book takes the child into the world of imagination, which enables him to develop creativity, use more complex sentences, as well as acquire new knowledge and strengthen his self-confidence. The paper gives examples of games that develop, encourage and improve the child's lexicon without burdening the child himself. |