Abstract | Plastifikacija metala je jedan od najzastupljenijih postupaka antikorozivne zaštite. Uz mnogobrojne prednosti među kojima su brzina izrade i montaže, mogućnost izrade željene strukture, estetski izgled itd. ovaj postupak je ekološki prihvatljiv te ne šteti ljudskom zdravlju prilikom rada. Prevlake i premazi koji su izrađeni od polimernih materijala imaju mnogobrojne svrhe među kojima je prvenstveno dugovječno zaštiti materijal od prodiranja čestica i nastanka korozijskih procesa. Ostale svrhe mogu biti otpornost na direktan utjecaj plamena, prevlake koje omogućavaju vodootpornost koje se koriste kod zaštite oružja u vojsci itd. Kod ovog postupka čišćenja su minimalna, većina praha koji se ne prihvati na materijal, uvlači se pomoću sakupljača praha te se uz pneumatske separatore može ponovno koristiti. Zbog mogućnosti ponovnog korištenja nema otpada, sav se prah koristi što za rezultat daje ekonomsku prednost ovog postupka. Rad opisuje plastificiranje sprava za vježbanje koje su namijenjene za vanjsko korištenje. Uz željene detalje i strukturu ovaj postupak će osigurati dugovječnost materijala i zaštitu, te dugovječnost estetskog izgleda u vrlo zahtijevanim vanjskim uvjetima te masnoćama koje potpomažu stvaranju korozijskih procesa. Provjera nanesenog sloja plastifikacije može se raditi na nekoliko način. Provedena je kontrola plastificiranog sloja pomoću uređaja za mjerenje površinskog sloja. U ovom slučaju potrebna debljina sloja je od 60 µm do 80 µm što je zadovoljeno. Uz razne metode ispitivanja provedene su tri neophodne metode. Prilikom izvođenja metoda primijećeno je da plastificirani sloj zadovoljava sve uvjete te da su segmenti spremni za montažu i korištenje. |
Abstract (english) | Metal plasticization is one of the most common methods of anti-corrosion protection. With numerous advantages, among which are the speed of production and assembly, the possibility of creating the desired structure, aesthetic appearance, etc., this procedure is environmentally friendly and does not harm human health during operation. Coatings and coatings that are made of polymer materials have many purposes, one of which is primarily to protect the material against the penetration of particles and the formation of corrosion processes for a long time. Other purposes can be resistance to the direct influence of flame, coatings that enable water resistance used in the protection of weapons in the army, etc. In this cleaning process, they are minimal, most of the powder that is not accepted on the material is drawn in by means of a dust collector and with pneumatic separators can reuse. Due to the possibility of reuse, there is no waste, all the powder is used, which results in an economic advantage of this process. The paper describes the plasticization of exercise equipment intended for outdoor use. With the desired details and structure, this procedure will ensure the longevity of the material and protection, as well as the longevity of the aesthetic appearance in very demanding external conditions and greases that support the creation of corrosion processes. Checking the applied layer of plasticization can be checked in several ways. Control of the plasticized layer was carried out using a device for measuring the surface layer. In this case, the required thickness of the layer is from 60 µm to 80 µm, which is satisfied. In addition to various test methods, three necessary methods were carried out. During the execution of the methods, it was noticed that the plasticized layer meets all conditions and that the segments are ready for assembly and use. |