Abstract | Lutka već od najranije dobi djetetova života poprima značajnu ulogu. Lutka djeci najčešće stvara poveznicu sa sigurnošću, prihvaćanjem i ljubavi. Raniju dob karakterizira igra prevrtanja i rastezanja lutke, dok nešto kasnije djeca postepeno u lutku unose osobine živih bića. Lutka osim što pomaže djetetu u mnogobrojnim situacijama, pomaže i odgojitelju da lakše uspostavi komunikaciju s djecom. Tako pomoću lutke možemo ući u unutarnji svijet djeteta kako bismo bolje razumjeli što misli, kako se osjeća, što ga muči i sl. Lutke bliske djeci rane i predškolske dobi jesu lutke na ruci, u koje ubrajamo ginjole, zijevalice, prstne lutke i ruke kao lutke, zatim marionete, štapne lutke, stolne lutke, kazalište sjena i kazalište predmeta, u kojem se ne koriste figurativne lutke već predmeti. U odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi poželjno je da dijete samo izrađuje lutku, jer osim što se time potiče divergentno mišljenje, ta će lutka imati posebnu vrijednost za dijete budući da postaje jedinstvena kao što je i ono samo. Igra lutkom potiče dijete na verbalno izražavanje, bogati djetetov rječnik, razvija suradnički odnos u igri s vršnjacima te mu pomaže razumjeti brojne njemu nove i nepoznate situacije. |
Abstract (english) | Puppets play a significant role from the earliest stages of a child's life. For children, puppets are often connected with security, acceptance and love. The earliest age is characterized by turning over and stretching puppets, while later children gradually begin to add the characteristics of living creatures to them. Besides helping children in many situations, puppets also help preschool teachers to establish better communication with children. So, with the help of a puppet, we can enter a child's inner world and understand what they are thinking, how they are feeling, what problems they are facing and similar things. The puppets that are closest to children of early and preschool age are those for which we use our hands, which include hand puppets, mouth puppets, finger puppets and bare hand puppets. Then there are marionettes, rod puppets, table puppets, and shadow theater and object theatre, where objects are used instead of figurative puppets. In educational practice, it is desirable for children to make puppets on their own so that besides stimulating divergent thinking, their puppets will have special value since they are as unique as they are. Playing with puppets encourages children to express themselves verbally, enriches a child's vocabulary, develops a cooperative relationship in play with other children of similar ages, and helps children understand many new and unknown situations. |