Title Utjecaj fotonaponskih elektrana na okoliš
Title (english) The environmental impact of the PV power plant
Author Jasmin Kuprešak
Mentor Mladen Bošnjaković (mentor)
Committee member Marija Stoić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Bošnjaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Lacković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Engineering) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Strateški plan na globalnoj razini do 2050. godine je smanjenje emisije stakleničkih plinova u cilju smanjenja klimatskih promjena. U tome smislu, a i zbog energetske sigurnosti, očekuje se da će obnovljivi izvori energije, a ponajviše solarne elektrane i vjetroelektrane dati najveći doprinos. Proizvodnja električne energije iz svih vrsta elektrana, posebice iz elektrana na fosilna goriva, ima znatan utjecaj na okoliš.
Zbog planiranih velikih kapaciteta PV elektrana od 8.519 GW do 2050. godine potrebno je detaljno analizirati i njihov utjecaj na okoliš u svim fazama životnog vijeka: od proizvodnje komponenti, proizvodnje električne energije iz fotonaponskih elektrana te mogućnosti reciklirana komponenti ili odlaganja u okoliš na kraju životnog vijeka.
Metodom analize i sinteze podataka iz prikupljene literature, te izračunom dobile su se određene spoznaje i izveli određeni zaključci. Za proizvodnju komponenti PV sustava potrebna je električna i toplinska energija, a emisije CO₂ pri tome variraju ovisno o lokaciji proizvodnog pogona te iznose prosječno od 9-95 gCO₂/kWh. Tijekom rada PV elektrana ne emitira stakleničke plinove. Upotreba vode tijekom cjeloživotnog ciklusa je vrlo mala i iznosi prosječno 330 l/MWh.
Izračunom je provjereno ima li dovoljno krovnih i površina na tlu za instaliranje planiranih kapaciteta PV sustava do 2030. godine u Europi i svijetu. I po tome pitanju ne bi trebalo biti problema.
U izgradnji PV sustava prisutna je određena razina buke koja može negativno utjecati na okoliš. U fazi proizvodnje električne energije iz PV sustava buka je vezana za pretvarač i regulator punjenja baterije, ali se uglavnom može zanemariti.
Usporedno s modulima iz C-Si, TFPV sadrže male količine In, Ga, Se, Cd, Te i Pb koji mogu biti potencijalno opasan ekološki otpad, te se njihovo recikliranje i zbrinjavanje treba staviti pod određenu klasifikaciju potencijalnog opasnog otpada.
Veliku pažnju treba dati recikliranju i zbrinjavanju solarnog otpada koji će se generirati tijekom vremena. Izračunom prosječne mase PV modula, utvrđena je potencijalna količina solarnog otpada od 60,3 milijuna tona do 2050. godine. Uz informaciju da se trenutno prosječno može reciklirati 83,5% mase PV modula, velika količine generiranog otpada pametnim upravljanjem u budućnosti ne bi trebala stvarati problem.
Usporedbom s konvencionalnim postrojenjima za proizvodnju električne energije možemo reći da su PV elektrane izvor „zelene energije“, odnosno da imaju daleko manji utjecaj na okoliš.
Abstract (english) The strategic plan global to 2050. is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to reduce climate change. In this sense, and also because of energy security, renewable energy sources are expected, with solar power plants and wind turbines being the largest contributors. Electricity generation from all types of power plants, especially fossil fuel power plants, has a significant impact on the environment.
Due to the large projected capacity of PV power plants of 8.519 GW by 2050, it is necessary to analyse their environmental impacts in detail at all stages of their life cycle: from the manufacture of components to the generation of electricity from PV power plants to the ways in which components can be recycled or disposed of in an environmentally sound manner at the end of their useful life.
The method of analysis and synthesis of data from available literature and calculations was carried out according to certain findings and led to certain conclusions. The production of PV plant components requires electrical and thermal energy, and CO₂ emissions vary depending on the location of the production plant, averaging 9-95 gCO₂/kWh. No greenhouse gasses are emitted during the operation of the PV power plant. Water consumption during a life cycle is very low, averaging 330 l/MWh.
The calculation showed that there are enough roof and ground areas to install the planned PV power plant capacity until 2030. in Europe and the world. There should be no problems with this.
During the production of PV plants, there is a certain level of noise that can affect the environment. In the phase of power generation from the PV system, the noise is related to the inverter and the battery charge controller, but it can be largely ignored. In parallel with C-Si modules, TFPV contain small amounts of In, Ga, Se, Cd, Te, and Pb, which can be potentially hazardous environmental wastes whose recycling and disposal should fall under a certain classification of potentially hazardous wastes.
Considerable attention should be paid to the recycling and disposal of solar wastes that will be generated over time. Calculations of the average mass of a PV module have shown that by 2050 there will be a potential amount of solar waste of 60.3 million tons. Considering that on average 83.5% of PV modules can be recycled, large amounts of generated waste should not be a problem in the future if managed intelligently.
Compared to conventional power generation plants, we can say that PV power plants are a source of "green energy", i.e., they have a much smaller impact on the environment.
utjecaj na okoliš
fotonaponske elektrane
Keywords (english)
environmental impact
PV power plants
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:401037
Study programme Title: Professional study program in Production Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-13 09:45:53