Abstract | Traumatski događaj je iskustvo koje djeluje vrlo uznemirujuće i stresno na dijete te
može imati ozbiljne posljedice za djetetovo zdravlje. Traumatski događaji uključuju
zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje, rastavu roditelja, gubitak voljene osobe, gubitak kućnog
ljubimca, odlazak roditelja u zatvor, hospitalizaciju djeteta, rat, prirodne katastrofe i
automobilske nesreće. Traumatski događaji vezani uz obitelj najčešće su različiti oblici
zanemarivanja i zlostavljanja. Posljedice izloženosti djece traumatskom događaju ovise o
brojnim čimbenicima poput dobi djeteta, spola, osobine djeteta, dimenzije traume te socijalne i
obiteljske podrške. Kod neke djece koja su doživjela traumatski događaj razvija se
posttraumatski stresni poremećaj koji je vrlo specifičan po dugotrajnim simptomima vezanim
uz traumatski događaj.
Djetetu koje je doživjelo traumatski događaj potrebna je podrška obitelji, ali i
odgojitelja. Uloga odgojitelja je omogućiti traumatiziranom djetetu igru koja je sredstvo koje
služi djetetu da proradi traumatski događaj. Pomoću igre dijete izražava svoje emocije te je
potrebno da odgojitelj omogući djetetu različite načine izražavanja. Osim toga, pomoću igre
traumatizirano dijete steče osjećaj samopoštovanja, izražava sebe, smanjuje svoje strahove te
različitim igrama uloga prorađuje traumatski događaj. |
Abstract (english) | A traumatic event is an experience that is very disturbing and stressful for a child and
can have profound consequences for the child's health. Traumatic events include abuse and
neglect, parental separation, loss of a loved one, loss of a pet, parent going to prison,
hospitalization of a child, war, natural disasters, and car accidents. Traumatic events related to
the family are most often different forms of neglect and abuse. The consequences of children's
exposure to a traumatic event depend on numerous factors such as the child's age, gender,
characteristics of the child, dimensions of the trauma, and social and family support. Some
children who have experienced a traumatic event develop posttraumatic stress disorder, which
is very specific in terms of long-term symptoms related to the traumatic event.
A child who has experienced a traumatic event needs the support of the family, but also
of the preschool teacher. The role of the preschool teacher is to enable the traumatized child to
play, which is a tool that serves the child to process the traumatic event. With the help of the
play, the child expresses his emotions, and it is necessary for the preschool teacher to provide
the child with different ways of expression. In addition, with the help of the play, the
traumatized child acquires a sense of self-esteem, expresses himself, reduces his fears and
processes the traumatic event through various role-playing games. |